Marzipan bliss balls

This is my 5th recipe for my week with Aduna, late but it was crazy end of the week for me.

Today I prepared a sweet treat, very easy and soooooo quick. You only need 4 ingredients and 10min to make them.

This is a great treat after long day at work and is also good for you. As a child we use to have marzipan chocolates over christmas and this little treat reminds me about good times.

To make around 20 of marzipan bliss balls you will need.

1 cup of soft dates ( soaked in warm water for 10min)
1 cup of almond meal ( I used my almond milk left overs)
1/2 vanilla powder
1 1/2 tbsp of baobab powder

After soaking dates, put all ingredients to your food processor. Mix until combined, refrigerate for 10 min and then roll your bliss balls. Coat them in almond flakes or chocolate, as you wish.

Best with nice green tea or coffee.


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