Limitless Baobab Boost Drink/ Baobabowy kopniak energetyczny

Limitless Baobab Boost Drink aduna oranges

Thinking of replacing your morning cup of coffee?
Feeling worn out?
Do you need energy boost?
Feeling tired after workout?

Combining 100% natural baobab pulp with the health properties of bloody oranges packed with goodness will give you:

This is super simple and super healthy!!!!!

You will only need 2 ingredients:

4-5 bloody oranges
1-2 tsp of baobab powder

Lightly roll  each orange on the counter. Cut each one in half. Squeeze into a glass. You may also use a citrus juicer  to do this. If you like your drink slightly sour, you will love this one.  

Drink a glass every morning to keep your immune system strong and stay healthy, you can replace oranges with any fruit or just a glass of water.

Zastanawiasz sie nad odstawieniem kawy?
Potrzeba ci energii?
Jestes zmecoznay/ zmeczony?

Ten sok jest dla ciebie!!!!!

Pijac jedna szklanke dziennie twoj organizm dostanie kopa vitaminowego.

Baobab jest pelen wlasciwosci odrzywczych, a pomarancie, no coz one tez sa niesamowite:

Do zrobienia potrzeba ci tylko 4-5 krwarych pomaranczy 1-2 lyżeczki proszku baobabu.

Wyduś sok z pomarańczy do ostatniej kropli, dodaj baobab, wymieszaj i do dziela.

Miłego dnia.

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