Pasta with home made tomato sauce and goat cheese GF

Do you like spaghetti?

Spaghetti with home made tomato sauce  is a classic combination, the base of pasta dishes, the easiest, yet the most delicious. Tomato sauce and pasta is definitely a good combination, plus you can create so many amazing varieties using only very few simple ingredients.
My recipe involves gluten free pasta as you might remember I try to eat as little products with gluten as possible. 
Over the past months, I tried so much gluten-free pasta of different companies, and Rizopia is definitely on the top of my list.

My tomato sauce doesn't involve many ingredients, this is why it comes handy when you need something quickly.

Ingredients for 4 servings

5-6 ripe organic tomatoes
3 cloves garlic
2 tbsp coconut oil or ghee
salt and black pepper to taste
pinch of sweet paprica
pinch of coconut sugar ( you can skip this)
goat cheese 
a handful of uncooking gluten-free spaghetti pasta (cook to your liking)

favourite herbs for garnish - me basil, thyme, oregano

1. Cut a small “X” on each tomato.  Drop them into boiling hot water and leave it  for approximately 3-5 min.
2. On the pan melt coconut oil, and fry garlic until golden on medium heat.
3. Peel the skin from the tomatoes, cut into small pieces and add to oil.
4. Fry it on medium  heat for 30min, half way add spices and sugar.
5. Boil your favourite pasta.
6. You can serve imminently or strain it first if you prefer a smooth sauce, crumble goat cheese on top.

Kochani, kto nie lubi makaronow, a szczegolnie tych z sosem pomidorowym. 
Ja uwielbiam makarony, moglabym je jesc prawie codziennie.

Dzis przychodze do was z przepisem na makaron z sosem pomidorowym domowej roboty.
Prosty szybki i nie wymagajacy zachodu, a przede wszsystkim nie zawierajacym konserwantow.

A wiec do zrobienia sosu na 4 porcje potrzeba bedzie:

5-6 dojzalych pomidorow ( ja uwielbiam malinowe)
3 zabki czosnku
2 lyzki oleju kokosowego
sol, pieprz
szczypta slodkiej papryki
szczypta cukru,ja uzywam kokosowy
kozi ser
garsc pasty (ugotuj jak lubisz)

ziola wg uznania


1. Pomidory naciac i spazyc goraca woda.
2. Na patelni rozpuscic olej, dodac czosnek i smazyc na wolnym ogniu az do zezloczenia.
3. Pomidory obrac, pokroic w male kawalki 
4. Smazyc na oleju przez 30min, w miedzy czasie dodac przyprawy i ziola.
5. Ugotuj makaron.
6. Mozesz podawaj odrazu albo przecedzic zeby pozbyc sie pestek, skrusz kozi ser na gore.


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